Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2003

lies, tv, and untoucable body parts

Why are they called Bufflow Wings when they are neither Bufflow or wings??

Who's behind this serious misconception and just how long is the public expected to go along with this charade?

I for one refuse to have the wool pulled over my eyes any longer...

I also feel it's my duty to inform the three people that read my diary that not only are those legs, those are.... *dramatic pause* chicken.

So what's this new fetish american's have with way too graphic TV?

I watched the new FX show Nip/Tuck (endorsement!!) tonight and found myself sickly intrigued.

The show opened with a butt implant and later a face lift was shown and this guys 15 year old son in adiment in expressing his desire to be circumsized so he doesn't gross his girlfriend out when he has sex with her and what's really weird, he wants his "Uncle" or his Dad to do it.

All the blood during the operations made my stomach churn a bit, but I couldn't bring myself to turn the channel.

I'm probably going ot try and watch it again next Tuesday, as I havent decided if this is to be one of my regular programs.

Speaking of regular programs, I've got a beef with HBhO

What the hell is up with messin with the replacing a fantabulous show like The Wire with an extra episode of a piece of poo show like the Green Light Project?

Those whiney, atrsy, fartsy bastages have gone this long without having their films shot, they can go another damn week!

Now I have to wait yet another week to see if McNulty is going to get a break or not along with hoping they show his butt again (hey there's a reason for watching HBO shows...)

I'm mean seriously, stop messin wif my prgrams, its bad enough Sex and the City's in its last episodes and Miranda's too chicken shit to tell Steve how she feels.

And what the hell is up with Burger?

Grow some balls dude, your girlfriend writes better than you do, its not the end of the world, gawd!

Have you ever tried to lick your elbow?

I'll bet you have you liar.

I wonder how God made the decision make the ear and the elbow the only two places on the human body impossible to lick under any circumstance.

I mean, shouldn't that be the genitalia?

With sex being such a big no no and all, I just figure that would be the place(s) he chose to make off limits.

I dunno, maybe he finds it as amusing as I do to sit in public and freak people out but trying to bite your elbow.

harlemrain at 2:13 am

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