Friday, Jul. 02, 2004

Pillow Time Again

I shoulda gone to bed like 7 hours ago.

I planned two about 4 hours ago, but then I remembered I was on the internet and found a website to distract myself.

*rolls eyes*

One would think I'd get my crazy ass to bed seeing how I'm always goin on about needing a routine and wanting ot be up at a desent time and to boot I'm looking at an entire week of being up at 8 am next week....

Holy Jeebus on a cracker... 8 am...

buuuuuuuh I wasn't ready for the reality yet.

Hmm I want some mud and bugs for breakfast

*time lap 20 minutes give or take*

*giggles* I saw Ernie's panties and he dun knowed it.

I feel a potential face pounding headache so I suppose I should find my way to the bed.

Quick Note to self- Do laundry or we'll be pantless next week.

Cledus is a hurtin so until this afternoon I say goodnight.

Oh fantastic, my neighbor's have started shooting their fireworks extra early today.

Have I ever mentioned I dislike my neighbors?

I hope it down pours again.

Shoot that off suckers...

harlemrain at 7:10 am

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