Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2003

the terrible, horrible,aweful, no good, very bad day


Just another one of those, shoulda just stayed in bed days.

Captian Poopy pants is starting to get to me again. I don't wanna let him, but dammit he's making mom miserable.

I don't like people messin with my momma.

Last night some Egyptian guy started hittin on me.

It was kinda weird. We had like two sentences and he started callin me sweet. Which made it quite obvious he doesn't know a thing about me at all and certianly didn't read my profiles.

I usually scare guys off who hit on me by making them think I'm a man hater to a psychotic extent, but this dude's too foriegn to get my sense of humor.

I told him I was usually on in the evenings not even thinking about what I was doing, so now he's gonna be waiting for me.

So this is how a bunny would feel in the African wildlife? (O_o)

I felt kinda bad ditchin him, but I don't wanna hurt his feelings by telling him to bugger off and with the communication gap, I'd most likely have to get that blunt.

I dunno, maybe I'll get lucky and he'll blow me off.

Ok, this blows big chunks, the same freakin Shania video is on two channels at the same damn time. She has other videos peoples, on of you could like shake things up a bit and play somethin new. Hey you're country stations, hows about playin on of her COUNTRY videos????

I dunno, I'm just crabby as hell today. I just feel bad karma all over everything. Maybe its this massive crank in my neck and shoulders.

harlemrain at 4:59 pm

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