Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003

More whining about school and my uterus

I'm really close to just giving up.

I got all but one part of my astronomy done just before it was due at 8 this morning and my computer just ate the paper I told my lit teacher I would turn in tomorrow.

I'm trying to get my paper done, but it's not looking to great.


I'm sick of school.

14 years of this crap.

It stopped being fun in the first grade when they started handing out homework.

And to top it all off, my uterus feels like someone ripped it to shreds and then tired it into knots leaving big enough holes for the life to gush out of me.

Yes that was necessary... just in case on of the three unrecognizable IP's I see showing up every now and then are men.

harlemrain at 1:39 am

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