Sunday, Apr. 25, 2004

Again with the Metal Mania raaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Ok, I need a perk up.

I�ve decided to watch Metal Mania and share my thoughts.

First off they have a new chick VJ on here, I don�t mind here, but I was starting to think the other chick was really cool so I say Booooooo older blonde chick, boooo.

Haaaaaa Winger�.

I just say Winger when I need a laugh�



I�ve never been a big Winger fan...I had a friend in high school who just looove Kip Winger.

I usually lost my appetite when she ranted over him at the lunch table.


Crazy Train!!!


Ya know, for bein �The Prince of Darkness�, Ozzy has some wishy washy, hippie, tree lovin lyrics�

This song actually induces narcolepsy in me thanks to my friend Melissa playin it over and over while we slept once during a sleepover.

Speaking of her, she moved to Arizona last week and never called to say goodbye�

I�m not getting it to that though...I�m seriously chapped over that�

Ozzy�s still goin off the rails�

Oh god�


*shrieks in horror*

It�s Warrant


How many times must we suffer through Cherry Pie??

I seriously could go the rest of my life without hearin Jani Lane suggest he�s had sex�

*shudders* uuuuuuugh�. Sooooo wrong

I think I�m gonna hurl�



Wow, baby Leppard�Leppard with Pete Willis�

Ha! Sav in spandex and sequins�. That�s funny�.

I have a hard time takin em serious here�I�m too busy laughin at how serious they are and you can tell they thought they were hot shite�.


You�re bringing on the heart breeeeeeeeak�.bringing on the heart acheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Steve Clark�s birthday was Thursday�he would have been 44 I believe�

Saddest eyes I think I�ve ever seen�

Joe Elliott�s wearing white Dockers and a blue sequined shirt�he looks like Miami vice al a Sigfreid and Roy� *snorts* that�s funny�.

I love Joe� he�s a riot�

I don�t recognize this one�

Green, smoking stage�

I missed the title�

Ohhhhhhh I know who this is

Foreign lookin guy�.guitarist�Yeig�.Malstrum�something like that�.

I think they have Satan or something in this video�it�s creepy�

Yngwie!! That�s it!!

Commerical�. I need a drink�

Hmm, Alice Cooper has a new album out�

He had a softball team with Micky Dolenz in the 70�s� for reals yos, called the Hollywood Vampires� Micky was gonna tour with him as his drummer at one point, but management thought it would look bad to have a Monkee drummin for Alice Cooper�

You�re love is poooooooooooisooooooon

This is the only song I think I know of his from the 80�s�.

I just thought of something�. Ew, who�d wanna kiss Alice Cooper???

Icky caca� he�s always reminded me of a heavy metal Grandpa�him and Ozzy�kinda sad I guess�I�ve always thought they were kick ass in their own rights, but grandpas non-the-less�


Alice looks like he has false teeth�

Ha! I just pictured him in a polydent commercial with Mrs. Brady�.

Lita Ford�

Lita seems like an awesome chick�but I couldn�t ever hang out with her�I�d be too scared she�d kick my ass.

I never really got her fashion either�well ok I get the leather pants�but why tennis shoes with em?

Nike�s are hardly bitch shoes Lita�come on now�besides Only Richie pulls off that look�

Even Lita Ford has to bow to the greatness that is Richie�

Dokken� I refuse to discuss a wuss like Don Dokken in my diary.

I just can�t violate a place named after something written by the god-like Richie with the pussyness that is Dokken�


Who the hell are they??

The lead singer marching in place as he sings

He also looks to be about 3 foot 4�

Okie dokie artichokie�


I think they�re Asian�

Well I�ll be derned.

Never saw a Asian Metal Band before..

Cool beans

Well poo�that�s the end of Metal Mania tonight�

Kind of a dud huh?

Ah well, I feel a bit better and that�s really what it was all about.

Well this is annoying, the better videos are being play AFTER Metal Mania...

I see how it is VH1 you evil bastard...

Ooooo Queensryche....

Hey I think I have Operation Mindcrime on video... hmmm...I'll have to bust that out and have a looksee..

I Don't believe in loooooooooooooooooove...I never have I never willllll.....I don't believe in love...this reminds me of Ally McBeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllll...

heh, sorry...


Ok, yes I'm still holding a grudge against Bret Micheals for nearly gettin me killed, but hey Poison videos are funny...

And yeah, I kinda like Bobby...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa



What kinda crack was Stephan Percey on....say fella niiiiiice haiiiir...


Ok ok ok ok...yeah I like Round and Round and this Your in Love ain't too bad...

But come on...who can take Ratt seriously??

That's like callin Dokken a real band...or Joan Jett a beef fan

Ewwwwwwwwwwww Dennis DeYoung....

Ok, I can take a hint, I'm changin channels...

I've rambled for an hour now anyway...

So, all you happy peoples, have a great Sunday!

I'm out like Joan Jett's real sexuality...

harlemrain at 12:03 am

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