Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003

Rainy Day

It's not raining anymore, but its still cool, cloudy, and heavy outside.

I managed to ignor my bloated tummy and sleepyness and get my astronomy homework done.

I think I've shrugged off the fact that I won't see my dad much tomorrow because Kim will probably be there.

I guess as long as the girls aren't there to make a lot of moise and create more problems I don't really care.

I just want to get it over with.

I know that sounds bad, but really thats all I see the girls as most the time.

Noisey, problem causing, attention seeking, spoiled little harpies.

I understand that's part of being 4 and 7, but I don't like having to deal with it on what is supposed to be my time with my dad.

It's embarressing to take them into public.

Between their shouting to be heard over each other, Megan's fitthrowing, and Ashley's annoying whines we end up with people walking past us giving us nasty looks and my dad ends up pissed off and in a bad mood, therefore I don't get to see much of him anymore because hes absorbed in being a pissed off dad to them.

I have deas of where I want to shop, but from what dad said on the phone he has other ideas and I'm probably going to get stuck with clothes I won't wear.

Oh well, more donations next year I guess.

I finally got to see Chicago last night.

I figured it would be over rated, but I was pleasently suprised.

It was awesome, the casting was done wonderfully.

I highly recommend it.

Yeah so, this entry's about as bland as I feel today.

I guess blandness is better than anxiety tho...


It's now 9 something or other.

I spent the last two hours messing up the acryllic on my nails and making my hair look like a fried powder puff.

My throat hurts, but I think its just my ears finally draining out after a year of being full of fluid (ewwwww)...

Bazy's annoyed cause I wrestled her down (literatily) and smothered her hair ball launchin snout with vasline.

That''s teavh her give me gifts of partly digested food and hair...

I'm currently waiting for Lindsey (EEEEEEE!! to you too) to get back on so in the mean time I'm going to see how much more damage I can do to my hair without (hopefully) going bald...

Maybe I really am one of those people who shouldn't be left unattended...heh.

harlemrain at 7:22 pm

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