Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003

Random Survey

I stole this from Duranfanatic . I hope he doesn�t mind :)..

1. What's your full name?

Lauren Alicia *beeeeeeep* (censored for my protection)

2. Were you named after anyone?

I�ve been told my first name was inspired by the divine Lauren Bacall, but my parents� stories differ on that from time to time. I do know my middle name, which was going to be my first name, (but isn�t thank god, no offense to any Alicia who like their name) is from my dad�s cousin Alyssia ( pronounced Al-Lisa) whom he grew up being best buds with. It was changed from the really cool sounding Alyssia to Alicia cause her mom�s a bit funny in the head and they didn�t want her having a cow about it for whatever reason.

3. Do you wish on stars?

Yes, especially when I feel I need all the luck I can get.

4. Which finger is your favorite?

Well, I think my ring finger�s are the prettiest ones as they have the best shaped nails and are the only ones that don�t have a weird curve to them (yes I do have a lot of free time, why do you ask?) But I tend to use my middle fingers a bit more often.

5. When did you last cry?

This morning. I actually probably cry everyday or so, I�m highly emotional and also believe crying is a good healthy stress relief. I�ve heard it also reduces your chances for stroke or heart attack�.

6. Who do you admire?

My mother for her strength, wisdom, intelligence, and her ability to let things happen. She�s one of the strongest people I�ve ever known.

7. Are you happy right now?

Actually I am rather cheery right now�it�s nice. :)

8. What is the #1 priority in your life?

Hmmm, short term getting through school, long term finding direction. Overall...happyness.

9. Favorite lunch meal?

Lemon chicken from Wong�s. Chicken..chicken..CHICKEN!! Ba-ba-bagack!

10. Any bad habits?

Wow, heh� nail biter, procrastinator, hair twirler, speed demon, kind of a slob, lip chewer, pen cap muncher, actually I chew almost everything, I have an oral fixation OK??�

11. What store would you never be caught dead in?

The Dress Barn�need I say more? I moo every time we drive by.

12. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?

Well, erm�doubt it cause I wouldn�t be me and my friends like me for me, so if I wasn�t mean, they may not like me and therefore wouldn�t be my friends�or something

13. Are you a daredevil?

Do I look stupid?

14. Do looks matter?

Matter for what?

15. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone?

Instead of punching, I envision myself blowing up their house or car with them inside, and it happens quite regularly�

16. Are you trendy?


17. What do you do to prevent anger?

Picture myself blowing up peoples house and cars.

18. Are you passive or aggressive?

Passive aggressive�its much more to for people to think they�re going crazy and know you�re the secret cause of it.

19. Who is your idol?

In life, me mum. Famous Olivia Newton-John and Doris day.

20. Who is your second family?

Lindsey, Amanda, Brynn, Envy, and a few other select friends�

21. Do you trust others easily?

Nope, no trust for you!

22. What did you play with as a child?

Heh heh heh�what ever was handy. I�m very good at entertaining myself.

23. What class during high school do you think was a waste of time?

No, college is the waste of time.

24. Do you like sappy love songs?


25. Have you ever been on radio or television?

Yup, been on both and in the news paper. Woo.

26. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone?

Maybe when I was little and mad at someone, not lately tho�

27. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?

No, I try to avoid pits of any kind thank you.

28. Do you feel understood most of the time?

Seriously, tell me one person who feels understood�

29. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach?

I�d rather not have either, but since I always have an upset stomach a sore throat would be a change of pace.

30. What is your nickname(s)?

Ummm�my mom has some she uses, but she uses them for the animals too so they�re not really mine anymore, so um�I guess I don�t have any :(.

31. Could you be a vegetarian?

I practically am one, only problem is vegetables make me sick too.

32. Would you ever bungee jump?

Don�t think so.

33. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?


34. What are you worried about right now?

School, my future, being on my own in a few years, mold growing in my ears�

35. Do you ever wear overalls?

I haven�t in a while, no need to accentuate the huge ass now is there?

36. Favorite Popsicle flavor?

Cherry. In the flavor ice ones I like all of them but the Orange one and can only have the purple ones every now and then.

37. Who do you think won't respond at all?

I suppose no one will cause I�m not e-mailing this...

38. What kind of pets do you have?

I have some rocks. As for animals in my house, I have three siblings: 1 cranky ass sister (cat), a stupid brother who poops on the floor and licks like he�s a freakin dog (cat), and another sister who smells like jock strap and corn nuts (dog). I also have my baby (cat).

39. What are their names?

Sassy, Tipps, Lupe�, and Bazy (Baa-zee)

40. Do you have a driver's license?

Unfortunately for society I do.

41. Last person who called you?

My mom.

42. Last person who saw you cry?

Bazy (she is too a person�)

43 Last person you went to the movies with:

Muhself, I�m a cheat date and I don�t have to put out.

44. Last person you went to the mall with:

Mom and Captian Poopy Pants

45. Do you have a crush on anyone?

I don�t think I�ve ever not had a crush on someone....

46. If so have you told that person?

It wouldn�t be a secret crush then now would it?

47. What's in your wallet?

Monies, buncha cards I dunno what they go to, student ID, driver�s license, more cards, ATM card, IB Profin, glasses fixer kit thingy�

48. What's on the on walls of your room?

Buncha Duran Duran Posters, Damn Yankees Poster, Richie Sambora Poster, and soon my Lord of the Rings Posters (hey do I judge you??)

49. Is your bed single, twin, double, Queen or King?


50.What is in your bedroom?

Bed, desk w/computer, TV/ VCR/DVD combo thingy, ramdom crap and clothes on the floor, stereo, door to my throne, junkity junk junk

51.What is the best thing that happened to you this week?

I can�t talk about it, I�ll jinx it.

52. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?


53.Where is your favorite place to be and why?

Hmmm�some place warm and safe feeling, so either wrapped up in my nice soft sheets sleeping or maybe sleeping in the sun by the pool.

54.How many scars do yo have and do they have any cool stories?

I have all kinds of them, most of the ones on my arms are from my kitties both past and present and the chicken pox. I have one on my calf from my dad�s old motor cycle and one on my thigh from when my mom accidently knocked me outta bed on the vaporizer�and of course the ones from my gall bladder surgery where the doctor deformed my belly button and made a stigmata on my chest.

55.Do you have any dreams/goals?

I�d really like ot be a musician, or a stage actor, like a singer dancer. It�d also be cool to be an inspiring teacher, or a writer�yeah I have a buncha them, dream big and life doesn�t seem so small.

56. Who knows you best?

Prolly me mum.

57. What was the biggest change for you in the last few months?

Starting school again and finally being told there is a chance I can add some fiber back into my diet (yes this is big news for me, :P).

58. Have you ever danced in the rain?

Yes, and I highly recommend it for the soul.

59. Favorite Song(s)?

Oh wow�. Lets try picking one by people I�m listenin to lately� �Ordinary World� by Duran Duran, �Leave the Past Behind� by Joe Nichols, �Who Wouldn�t wanna Be Me� Keith Urban, �Wave on Wave� Pat Green, �I Drove All Night� Celine Dion, �Promise the Earth� Bee Gees, �Back of a Greyhound Bus� Sara Evans, �One Light Burning� Richie Sambora, �Wild is the Wind� Bon Jovi, "Hysteria" Def Leppard, "All in How You Say it" Tommy Shaw, "Crystal Ball" Styx�lots more, but I�m getting carpel tunnel�

60. Weirdest Inside Joke?

Way to many of these to pick on, my mom and I seriously need to get friends of our own ages to hang out with�

61. People you miss most?

My daddy, my grandma and grandpa Bradford, friends from High School, amd Mme Woods.

62. What do you spend a lot of time doing?

Wasting time

63. Who was the last person to email you?

Someone wanting me to increase my penis size.

64. Any last comments:

Holy Moly this was a long ass list�I want a cookie dammit.

harlemrain at 11:11 pm

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