Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2005

"She said I'm tired..."

I just seriously felt like tomorrow should be Friday.

That's how long this week has been... and I still have half of it left ot get through.

I got beyond grumpy last night and I apologize.

I think I may try to call Woody tomorrow to see how she is.

I got a parking ticket today at school. 10$ for parking in a metered space longer than the alotted time. I wasn't too upset, I was more than ready to get a fucking ticket after spending nearly HALF AN HOUR trying to park.

Ok, I get that the teachers and staff of the cshool need places to park near the buildings they work in. That's fine... but I seriously doubt they need EVERY fucking space. There are SIX major faculty lots, TWO on campus student lots, TWO visitor lots, ONE free for all lot, and ONLY THREE MEDIUM SIZED COMMUTER.

If you seriously want the commuter students to be at school and be on time, you have to give us a frickin place to park.

Had I not found my metered spot, I was seconds away from finding me a spot on the lawn.

I got to school 45 minutes early and because of all the crap I went through to park, I was 5 minutes late to my Bio LAB.

I need sleep. I need restful sleep, with no weird ass dreams about being lost on campus (which I have been several times this week) or weird sorities.

I was supposed to call my dad Monday night and still have yet to do it. I want to tell him about everything, but hell if I have the strength to hold the phone long enough to dial.

I intend to call him tonight.

Maybe the hope of two half days will give me enough oomph.

Man, I'm tired.

harlemrain at 1:14 am

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