Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2003

Well it's time to wrap up another laugh riot...

Have I ever mentioned I'm not very fond of Tuesday?

I woke up late, as usual since my alarm clock decided it didn't wanna off today.

I rushed around and got to school with barely enough time to review for the test I probably bombed.

My essay on that thing was horrible, I'll be lucky to get a zero instead of the public humiliation I probably deserve for it.

On the way home my car decided it would rather eat my favorite Monkees tape rather than play it.

It also decided that while I was trying to shift in the middle of a very busy intersection that it didn't feel like shifting and nearly got me killed.

So once it ate the tape, I finally snapped, pulled over on the side of the highway and proceeded to beat the ever lovin shite out of my steering wheel and dash board while crying.

I guess I've been a bit tense lately.

I felt a bit better, but was still compelled to kicked the crap out of the tires once I got home.

I then came inside and figured since my car wouldn't play my tape, that maybe I'd just listen to it on my walkman.

Well Mr. Walkmans gone AWOL, I dunnow here the hell it is, I looked everywhere I usually put it and its no where it should be.

After letting out a long sting of obssenities in various dialects, I went to bed and slept till my mom came home.

I feel much better now.

I watched White Oleander with my mom tonight.

I wanted to see it originally when it came out in theaters, but couldn't get anyone ot take and and had sense forgotten about it.

It's a really good movie, I'm adding it to my Get me this instead of underwear for the love of god please Christmas list.

Tomorrow if I choose to do anything, I need to clean my room out again. I managed to keep it pretty clean for a few weeks, but then I got basausted and stressed again with school and it's back to its piled, death trap like state.

Anyone know where I can get a hold of The Monster Mash ?

Hey someone tag me, gimme a note or sign the guess book or something...I feel needy and wanna make sure all that stuff still works after months of no service...

harlemrain at 12:31 am

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