Friday, Sept. 24, 2004

Stress stinks

After three days or so of consecutive puking and a sharp pain in my stomach, my mommy instructed me tonight that I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.

I kinda wish they'd just take my stomach out, staple it shut, duct tape... something..anything to stop it's in take and later spewage outage.

My symptoms show signs of an ulcer and a hernia... or as I decided a few minutes ago, fatal stomach cancer.

I finished my first weeks of tests, we'll find out how well the power of thought works on my testing. I told my self all week I was getting Bs, so we'll see.

I'm not really wanting to go to the doctor, yes I'd like to know why my stoamch;s rejecting food, spewing acid, and hurting all the time, but I worried that I'm facing a situation similar to my gallbladder stuff.

I spent months hearing, "Well I think its this but I'm not sure so go see this doctor..." "Yes it looks kinda like this, but it could also be that, go this this other specialist..." "No, its neithe rof those, go back to your normal doctor..."

I finally announced that something needed to be done or I was going to open myself up on the kitchen table.

Tests suck, they take forever, most of them hurt and require strange people with cold hands to touch my half naked body, no one seems to understand how bad things hurt or how scary it is to think you're broken and not know why or how. God, and the waiting. It took them over a week to look at the pictures from my sonagram and tell me I had gallstones.

Then it was another week or two before I saw a doctor about doing something about them... and yet another two or three weeks before I had surgery.


I do not like tests Sam I am, I do not like them.

I'm also not looking forward to the other option I usually hear "There's not much you can do but wait it out..."

I'm not very good at waiting things out or just dealing with them. Especially when it involves sporatic vomiting of food my body needs and strange pains.


I'm going to the damn Rennissance Faire this weekend dammit, if I have hitch hike in a hospital gown with a puke pan and a colostomy bag.

Oh yes, I am going.

harlemrain at 12:43 am

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