Friday, Feb. 03, 2006

HI, I'm stupid

I just ate way too much food.

I can already feel the acid reflex. Oh the funness.

I accidently played hookie from svhool today. I woke at 9 this morning, having slept through my first alarm. My first class is at 9:30 and with an hour to get ready and 30 minutes to get to school and god knows how long ot find a place to park, getting there long enough to hear the teach dismiss the class just wasn't possible.

So I set the second alram to get me up in time for my second class.

I slept though the second damn alarm!

Jeebus Lauren!

I woke up again with only a half an hour until class. I thought about going to my last class of the day, but all the work that goes into getting to school just isn't worth it for my crazy ass philosophy professor.

I'm not sure where the pure tiredness came from, I slept most of the evening last night.

It could be left over from the adreline rush I had on the way home from school yesterday.

You know those serious moronic people who go way to fucking fast on the clover on ramps in the rain and just generally aren't paying anntion like they should?

Hi, I was one of those yesterday.

I don't have a clue what happened, but I could sense the tires starting to skid so I eased up and all of a sudden my face was mere inchese from a semi and I was fighting to get the car out of a fish tail.

Yeah, I can't believe me either.

harlemrain at 8:22 pm

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