Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2004

You're gonna stick what in my where??

I hate being female sometimes.

I had my "yearly exam" today.

I think I'd rather go get a filling without pain killer than go for this thing.

Frist off I waited for almost 2 hours in a waiting room with three grumpy pregannt woment, two scream children, one really stupid husband who wouldn't shut the hell up, my mom who wasn't happy about waiting, and a woman next to me who must have just found out she was expecting because she looked terrified as she filled out forms and looked at the pee cup.

I finally get called back and after being questioned am handed a half down that stops at my stomach and a sheet and told to take everything off.

I kept my socks on to give my self the illusion that I wasn't that exposed.

I didn't wait long back there thankfully or I prolly would have made a break for it and you'd be tuneing in on the news to hear about a crazy Kansas girl running around the East side of Wichita in half a gown and a sheet.

Forsepts... MOTHERFUCKING OW!!!!

Ok, they come in different sizes hows about using a SMALLER size for the SMALLER girl??

Also, you're a woman you know what does and does not hurt, stop punching my uterus and pinching my ovaries!!!

That shit hurts!

I also got new birth control since I mentioned taht my pill gets forgotten and then I bleed for two weeks.

This this is interesting to say the least.


I'm curious to try it, but at the same time stucking a rubber band like device in my stuff just seems kinda...odd.

I'm also worried about what it may do to my moodswings.

I tried another pill by the same compnay that makes the NuvaRing and it made me seriously psycho and I was instructed by my mother to never ever ever ever do that again.

Apparently I was a super bitch.

Me a bitch, ha go figure.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go be a crampy bitch elsewhere.

harlemrain at 9:45 pm

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