Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2004

Would be more but the train derailed...

Heather apparently thinks that for some reason she should out rank not only my decision to move to Ohio, but also my attending my father's 40 bithday party.

She's known since our Junior year of high school that my dad's birthday is the day before hers and she also knows that my old man is officially old this year.

Now to most people the 40th birthday is a bit of a big deal, but its not as monumental as 50 is now that Oprah's offically 50.

This also also a big deal to me, because I'll soon be the age my dad was when I was born, that may sound corny, retarded, mushy, or whatever to others, but for some reason that has an effect on me.

I'm also in awe over being two decades old this July and my faternal grandpa greets 70 in October, so basically this is a year of big parties for the faternal clan this year.

But yeah, I guess thats it on that cause my train of thought just derailed...

Disclamer: For the bestest momma in the world- please take no offense, you're ingrate of a child is hormonal, tired, and paranoid.

I understand her reasoning for sharing comments between Ernie and I, but I wish my mom didnt share so much.

She told me yesterday that she told with him that I told her (if I start using likes forgive me, I'm really not as valleygirl as that sounded) that he's been driving me crazy lately.

She did also tell him that he bugs her too. She also told him it was because we're both experiencing PMS.

I've been extremely paranoid this past week anyway thanks to my peaking hormones, but I still feel like he's acting weird.

Bad weird.

Kinda like he did before the medication weird.

I know she does that because he and I dont communicate seriously unless we have to.

Part of my wonders if he's just tired. He gets quiet and grumpy when he has major stuff goin on at work and forwhat ever reason their usual talk about work all evening routine has diminished to bithing in the past few months.

Maybe he's just being grumpy because he thinks he has to walk on eggshells cause of our PMS, maybe he's just a grmpy bastard. Maybe I'm the grumpy bastard, I dunno.

harlemrain at 11:30 pm

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