Tuesday, Sept. 02, 2003

Farkin Tuesdays

I hate Tuesdays.

Tuesdays just farkin suck.

People think Monday's so bad because its when the work week start, Monday's still asleep.

Its Tuesday that'll screw you over.

Tuesday and traffic cops live to screw you over.

Especially if you're "just a little girl".

I had a farkin traffic cop say that to me today as he patronized me by the side of the road.

Yeah I was speeding and that was stupid, fine give me my damn ticket so I can be on my merry farkin way.

No not this douch.

Dudely Douch Bag traffic cop has to chat with me.

I happened to be shaking when I haded him my license.

So he tones he voice down and starts talkin to me like i'm 5

"Don't worry swetie I won't hurt you...I'm a nice guy..."

Yeah so was the son of my babysitter...ya know the one that molested me when I was three...

Ya know some people naturally shake, I happent o be one of them.

I'm high strung, I think any reject can tell by looking at me that I'm more wound up that a cheap watch.

But no, Dudely here has to try to comfort me, I wasn't afraid of you dumbass, you're not the parents I have to tell about my ticket!!

But what can you expect from a traffic cop, the ones with the real intelligence become Sherriff's officers and give warnings.

What really pisses me off is I was only going 2 miles more than the people around me, 2 farkin miles for like 5 seconds.

I didn't run over any school kids or take out any old pedistrians.

A nice Sherriff's pffocer would have given me a warning.

But no, I got Dudely Douch Bag City Traffic Cop.

I was kinda glad I was shaking to bad to speak, I was ready to tell him to go harass some other little white girl having a bad day.

As if that wasn't enough I get to my Government class with Mr. MacGoo the old crusty bugger who shouts everything and find out that while Bazy was on her hairball spewing spree last week she nailed my govenment notebook and notes.

Tuesdays just farkin suck.

I wanna find where Dudley lives and blow up his house.

And I put a jihad on anyone who likes Tuesdays, just because I habe PMS and I can.

Fark you Tuesday...fark you.

harlemrain at 3:47 pm

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