Thursday, Apr. 29, 2004

Do Flintstone vitamins have iron?

I'm skipping school...

I feel sick to my stomach and my huge paper that was due an hour ago isn't done, so I stayed home to work on it.

AS you can see, I'm still struggling with staying focused.

I just read an article saying that "Young Woman" with "Problems Concentrating" might need more iron in their diet.

I'm curious if that could really help me, I took iron pills for a while in high school...but stopped because burping iron tastes like burping rusty pennies....

Yes I do know what rusty pennies taste like... I prolly digested at least 2 dollars worth of change as a little kid..including peenies, nickles, dimes, quarters...a 50 cent piece (not THAT one hurt when it passed...)

But....ummmm....ohhh yeah, focusing....

I'm curious is that whole iron thing would work...

How does one intake more iron without eating liver or pennies?

I wanna try it, but I don't wanna do anything to drastic now, I only have like three weeks left that I have to give a flying flip about anything for a while...


I loves May.

harlemrain at 4:57 pm

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