Friday, Sept. 03, 2004

"Sometimes you tell the day by the bottle that you drink and sometimes when you're alone all you do is think..."

To further demonstrate my excellent dedication to furthing my education, I skipped school Thursday.

I woke up and just couldn't do it. Function wasn't happening.

It's already biting me in the ass as we speak, theres a small project type thing due next week that I don't know all the guidlines or instructions for, I just know the jist of it from when I had to do it in Human Sexuality like a year ago.

I'm hoping I can read the chapters and figure it out otherwise I'm not sure what do to.


I needed the extra day off alone though, for the first time in several weeks I woke up today not wanting to cry or hurt someone.

It was a pleasant change.

EEEEEEEE! Bon Jovi!!! Bon Jovi on my TV!!!!

Yes I do actually squeal "EEEE!!!" while clapping and jumping up and down like a little fan girl...

Loves me some Jovi.

For once I don't have a whole lot to talk about or rather rant and bitch about.

I've decided that for a while communication with my dad should be on a "when he calls me" basis only because I just can't handle much more and I'm tired of calling him only to be told he's too busy for me.

On that note I have more Metal Mania to part take in.

Have a great weekend muther truckers!!


harlemrain at 11:15 pm

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